We often hear about the "Christian Right," or "Conservative Christians." Yet, if you think about it, Jesus was the original liberal.  He cared about motives more than the deeds themselves (Matthew 23:5 & Mark 12:41-43) and more about compassion than adhering to rules (Luke 6:1-11 & Luke 13:10-17). This blog will reflect liberal Christian values of compassion, tolerance, mercy, charity, a thirst for knowledge & understanding, and, above all, love.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Let Your Heart Not Be Troubled

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." ~ John 14:27

I'll be honest, my heart has been troubled.  It's not because I can't go to restaurants or to the movies.  That's annoying and inconvenient, but it doesn't "troubling my heart."  What's troubling is seeing honest hard working people lose their livelihood through no fault of their own.  

I haven't posted in a while, because I haven't wanted to sound like a pessimist nor a Pollyanna.  I don't believe we're on the cusp of the apocalypse.  Yet, when I start to say, "everything will work out," it sounds hollow, as if the next words out of my mouth should be the introduction of a Mickey Mouse cartoon.  

I'm fairly certain we're not destined to fight for gasoline until Mad Max saves the day, but I'm equally sure life will never return to, what we think of as, normal.  Put simply, I have no more idea than the man on the moon how the world will look on the other side of this pandemic.

Maybe that's OK though.  Maybe the ability to say, "I don't know," is part of faith.  I'm not one to kick back totally and let Jesus completely take the wheel, but perhaps I should be confidant He's guiding the GPS.

"Lord, it's becoming exceedingly difficult to remove the trouble from my heart.  Please give me the strength to let you replace it with your piece.  Amen."

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